Masa promo event Sonchiriya, ada klip dari PROteam wish SSR and he looks damn happy when he saw the video.
1. PROteam
‘Sushant, we all know you are a great actor. Today we want to address Sushant the person, the human being that you are. Probably people just know the tip of the iceberg, we know what you are and we know where you’re going. I personally would say you’re a gem of person and I think we all agree on that and there’s so much more to come in life. Since we can see all that happening we sincerely wish you good luck for all of that. I believe in you and always gonna be by your side and I feel lucky just to be around you every day and to learn from you. At times it’s difficult to keep up since you’re so efficient with your work but I guess that’s the learning curve. I’m happy with all your movies so far. You’re such emotional person and you know that and I can see through. We are always there, we loves you, we genuinely care for you.’ - Sidharth Gupta & PROteam
3. Replaced
Tapi semua video post atau gambar stop pada May 2019 dan Sushant pindah keluar dari Capri Height kemudian menyewa dengan Rhea di Mount Blanc apartment. Dan masa tu juga ada blind yang keluar yang Sushant in relationship dengan Rhea Chakraborthy bila masing-masing update gambar pergi travel sama-sama.

Ikut laporan media, Siddharth Pithani pun keluar dari rumah Sushant around Oktober 2019 sebab depressed tapi Sushant panggil stay sama-sama balik masa Jan 2020 sebab ada skrip baru untuk discuss. Polis jumpa draft script dalam rumah tu.
Tapi kalau ikutkan, Sushant dengan Rhea pergi bercuti di Europe crossed out some wishlist dia pada 10 Oktober 2019 bila movie Chichhore masuk 100cr club dan balik India pada 29 Oktober 2019.
Even Mukesh Chabra, kawan baik Sushant bagitahu yang Sushant happy 27 Mei 2020, Kamal Jain keluarkan statement Sushant excited untuk 4 movie project lepas lockdown dan contact fitness trainer 5 Jun 2020 yang dia tak sabar nak turun gym balik. Yang dah lama kenal Sushant memang tahu dia seorang yang positif tapi yang baru kenal dan mula rapat yang bermain dengan naratif suicidal depression.
6. Funeral
None of PROteam members datang ke final rites Sushant. Samuel ada dekat luar negara meanwhile the rest not sure why sedangkan Dipesh ada sepanjang hari pada 14 Jun 2020. Even girlfriend dia pun tak pergi. Cuma singgah sekejap dekat Cooper Hospital. Some of them post dekat IG tak sangka yang Sushant pergi.
7. Cryptic Comments
Some of them stop post tentang Sushant atau their daily life lepas 14 Jun 2020. Siddharth Gupta post dua kali dengan caption dia rindukan Sushant. Meanwhile Samuel paling aktif dekat IG tapi akaun dia ada waktu dia tukar kepada private then public kemudian private and keeps changing privacy status. Ada masa dia akan reply soalan fans, ada masa dia emo.

dah jadi mcm kes misteri pula ni. tapi harap2nya ada pembelaan buat mendiang...