Movie Review : A Quiet Place
Saturday, 30 June 2018

Director : John Krasinski
Writer : Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Cast : Emily Blunt, John
Krasinski, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe, Cade Woodward
Production Company : Platinum
Dunes, Sunday Night
Distributor : Paramount Pictures
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Running Time : 90 minutes
Release Date : 6 April 2018
Trailer :
I don’t fancy alien/predators or
whatsoever weird creature been planted in our minds that they are exist and
will soon conquer the Earth. Same goes to A Quiet Place but I give it a try
since there’s so many positive reviews. My review might be biased but nahhh I don't even care.
Tahun 2020 Bumi ditakluk oleh
raksasa yang sensitif pendengaran, manusia hidup tanpa bercakap, tanpa
keluarkan bunyi supaya tak dibunuh dengan kejam. Permulaan movie you guys can
watch a family grab couple of things and medicine at convenient store. Dekat
scene ni si ayah, Lee (John Krasinski) cuba halang anak bongsu dia, Beau (Cade Woodward) ambil spaceship mainan
yang berbunyi. Tapi anak perempuan dia, Regan (Millicent Simmonds) ambil sebab sayang dengan adik?
Sayang tak bermaksud kena bagi semua benda tambah pula soal hidup dan mati. End
up, his little brother died.
Setahun kemudian, Evelyn (Emily Blunt) mengandung and prepare everything needed for the newborn baby. Serious tak
faham kenapa Lee dan Evelyn produce lagi anak sedangkan diorang tak jumpa lagi
kelemahan alien tu dan tak ada apa-apa protection pun untuk halang alien tu
datang. Of course dalam movie boleh tengok all the equipments they have
prepared but was it enough? Macam mana nak survive everytime baby tu menangis? You
cannot control that. Oxygen mask and a casket for baby to survive, seriously?
Kenapa seksa kehidupan dia kalau boleh gugurkan. You guys can have
condomsssssss and pilsssss for freeeeeee!
There’s a scene where Lee and
Marcus (Noah Jupe) go out collect fish at the river, and they talk about Regan and Beau.
Dekat sini kita tahu alien tak akan datang sebab bunyi air terjun, sungai
sangat bising so alien boleh bezakan bunyi yang dibuat manusia dengan bunyi nature.
Jadi kenapa Lee tak protect family dia dengan buat sistem pengairan yang sama
dekat rumah dia. Nak sembang buat rumah dekat situ macam susah lah sebab
mungkin dia tak ada kepakaran tu.
Dekat rumah, Evelyn dah mula
pecah air ketuban walaupun ada masa lagi dua minggu sebelum due. Masa tengah
tahan sakit tu boleh pulak kaki terbenam paku and WHO THE HELL PERGI TANAM PAKU
DEKAT LALUAN ORANG?!!! MOTIF? Sebab dua tiga ekor raksasa buta yang turun tak terpijak langsung padahal diorang besar kot. Punya lah nak timbulkan rasa saspen sampai tahap macamtu
wei. Dah beranak tiba-tiba pulak air entah dari empangan mana pecah melimpah
masuk dalam rumah. SERIOUSLY?
Dalam bergelut untuk survive tu,
Regan by accident knew how to weaken those monsters but as always she’s so
slow, damn slow for an incredible family that can survive the whole year living
in a place filled with monsters which made this movie turns out to be crappiest
movie of the year. I mean, sensitif bunyi memang akan sakit bila dengar bunyi berdesing and no one, not even scientist can figure that out for the whole year, say whatttttt?!
Nevertheless the uniqueness of
this movie still jadi tumpuan jugak, macam mana cara the whole family jaga diri
and be creative to survive from being attacked. Sistem lampu, laundry, memasak
and other things related. I’ve always wondering how they processed those maze
since the machine quite loud? Simpanan jagung diorang hampir penuh satu silo
Kalau ikutkan genre movie ni
horror and ada lah some jumpscared scenes macam scene Regan dekat rumah usang
tu but not terrified enough to be labeled as horror. Talking about their acting
potential, although I hate Regan’s character but she deliver the best among
others. Fun fact dia memang pekak in real life so movie ni macam simbolik untuk
menyelami dunia manusia yang mengalami masalah pendengaran. What will happened
when you cannot even make sound. It’s a torture. Tapi elok kau mati je lah kalau kau ada resdung ataupun pesen kentut kuat. Jangan kata sehari, seminit pun belum tentu survive.
Since dah tengok yang pertama, of
course I’ll wait for the sequel since watak Lee ada lagi dalam sequel. Mungkin
Lee wujud dalam flashback or mungkin Lee tak mati well we don't even got any clue yet. Plus I really wanna know how
they’re gonna survive from those monstersssssss. With a shotgun so yupp good luck.
1. Team Production +1, 2. Visual
+0.8, 3. Audio +1, 4. Storyline +0.4, 5. Casting +1, 6. Genre +0.2, 7. Themes +1,
8. Editing +0.5, 9. Social Message +0.3, 10. Personal Thought +0 = 6.2/10